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Q: The following line graph gives the percentage of the number of candidates who qualified an examination out of the total number of candidates who appeared for the examination over a period of seven years from 1994 to 2000

A. The difference between the percentage of candidates qualified to appeared was maximum in which of the following pairs of years? B. 1994 and 1995
C. 1997 and 1998 D. 1998 and 1999
E. 1999 and 2000

Answer and Explanation

Answer:1994 and 1995

The differences between the percentages of candidates qualified to appeared for the give pairs of years are:
For 1994 and 1995 = 50 - 30 = 20.
For 1998 and 1999 = 80 - 80 = 0.
For 1994 and 1997 = 50 - 30 = 20.
For 1997 and 1998 = 80 - 50 = 30.
For 1999 and 2000 = 80 - 60 = 20.
Thus, the maximum difference is between the years 1997 and 1998.

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