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Read the following five sentences and rearrange them to make a coherent and logical paragraph. After deciding the sequence, answer the questions given below.


1. In his literacy work he spoke of that province of human life which mere intellect does not speak.
2. He has also given innocent joy to many children by his stories like 'Kabuliwalah'
3. These songs are sung not only in bengal but all over the country.
4. Rabindranath's great works sprang from intensity of vision and feelings.
5. He sang of beauty and heroism, nobility and charm.

Which sentence should come fourth in the paragraph?

A.    1 Wrong Right

B.    2 Wrong Right

C.    3 Wrong Right

D.    4 Wrong Right

E.    5 Wrong Right

Answer : 5

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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Which sentence should come third in the paragraph?

A.    1 Wrong Right

B.    2 Wrong Right

C.    3 Wrong Right

D.    4 Wrong Right

E.    5 Wrong Right

Answer : 2

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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Which sentence should come second in the paragraph?

A.    1 Wrong Right

B.    2 Wrong Right

C.    3 Wrong Right

D.    4 Wrong Right

E.    5 Wrong Right

Answer : 1

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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Which sentence should come fifth in the paragraph?

A.    1 Wrong Right

B.    2 Wrong Right

C.    3 Wrong Right

D.    4 Wrong Right

E.    5 Wrong Right

Answer : 3

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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Which sentence should come first in the paragraph?

A.    1 Wrong Right

B.    2 Wrong Right

C.    3 Wrong Right

D.    4 Wrong Right

E.    5 Wrong Right

Answer : 4

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete


The _____ of the Minister's statement cannot be verified by people who have no access to official records.

A.    veracity Wrong Right

B.    verbosity Wrong Right

C.    ambiguity Wrong Right

D.    validity Wrong Right

Answer : veracity

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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That the poor in our country, are happy is

A.    a dream Wrong Right

B.    a vision Wrong Right

C.    an ideal Wrong Right

D.    an illusion Wrong Right

Answer : an illusion

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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Now, the management graduate can expect to have a prosperous life on a ______income without having to depend on finding a place in family business having to tend the paternal estates.

A.    professional Wrong Right

B.    regular Wrong Right

C.    meaningful Wrong Right

D.    dependable Wrong Right

Answer : regular

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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The thief _____ all the money.

A.    made up Wrong Right

B.    made off with Wrong Right

C.    mode do with Wrong Right

D.    made good Wrong Right

Answer : made off with

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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Which of the phrases given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark 'E' as the answer.


There are not many men who are so famous that they are frequently referred to by their short names only

A.    initials Wrong Right

B.    signatures Wrong Right

C.    pictures Wrong Right

D.    middle names Wrong Right

E.    No correction required Wrong Right

Answer : initials

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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The population of Tokyo is greater than that of any other town in the world.

A.    greatest among any other Wrong Right

B.    greater than all other Wrong Right

C.    greater than those of any other Wrong Right

D.    greater than any other Wrong Right

E.    No correction required Wrong Right

Answer : No correction required

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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Why did you not threw the bag away?

A.    did you not throw Wrong Right

B.    had you not threw Wrong Right

C.    did you not thrown Wrong Right

D.    you did not thrown Wrong Right

E.    No correction required Wrong Right

Answer : did you not throw

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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The man who has committed such a serious crime must get the mostly severe punishment.

A.    be getting the mostly severely Wrong Right

B.    get the most severe Wrong Right

C.    have got the most severely Wrong Right

D.    have been getting the severe most Wrong Right

E.    No correction required Wrong Right

Answer : get the most severe

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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In each question below a sentence broken into five or six parts. Join these parts to make a meaningful sentence. The correct order of parts is the answer.


 1. left 2. the 3. house
 4. he 5. suddenly  

A.    12435 Wrong Right

B.    21354 Wrong Right

C.    45123 Wrong Right

D.    52341 Wrong Right

E.    24135 Wrong Right

Answer : 45123

Explanation : "He suddenly left the house."

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1. at 2. it 3. take
4. once 5. away  

A.    23514 Wrong Right

B.    14352 Wrong Right

C.    32514 Wrong Right

D.    53214 Wrong Right

E.    42315 Wrong Right

Answer : 32514

Explanation : "Take it away at once."

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