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Rearrange the following six sentences in proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions given below.


1. They will make no move unless the gallery is packed.
2. The poorest are over-hesitant, evasive and preoccupied with their relationships with others.
3. Enourmous difference is generally observed in the ways in which various public officials respond to public pressures.
4. The best possess understanding of forces that must be taken in to account, determination not to be swerved from the path of public interest.
5. They confront all embarrassments with a state general formula.

Which of the following should be the first sentence ?

A.    6 Wrong Right

B.    5 Wrong Right

C.    4 Wrong Right

D.    3 Wrong Right

E.    2 Wrong Right

Answer : 4

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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Which of the following should be the sixth sentence ?

A.    2 Wrong Right

B.    3 Wrong Right

C.    4 Wrong Right

D.    5 Wrong Right

E.    6 Wrong Right

Answer : 6

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Which of the following should be the fourth sentence ?

A.    2 Wrong Right

B.    3 Wrong Right

C.    4 Wrong Right

D.    5 Wrong Right

E.    6 Wrong Right

Answer : 5

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Which of the following should be the third sentence ?

A.    1 Wrong Right

B.    2 Wrong Right

C.    3 Wrong Right

D.    4 Wrong Right

E.    5 Wrong Right

Answer : 3

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Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.


The prince is known for his chivalrous treatment of women. So, it was _______ of her to refuse his party invitation.

A.    unchivalrous Wrong Right

B.    churlish Wrong Right

C.    ungallant Wrong Right

D.    prudent Wrong Right

Answer : churlish

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Microbreweries are _________ all over the country.

A.    coming up Wrong Right

B.    springing up Wrong Right

C.    settling up Wrong Right

D.    starting up Wrong Right

Answer : springing up

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A. Against all ____ the race car driver recovered from his injuries
B. I found myself at ____ with my colleagues at the college.
C. His latest evidence is at ____ with his earlier statement.
D. He didn’t keep much in his desk – just _____ ends.
E. She has so many ____ yet she is always cool and composed.

A.    Nicks Wrong Right

B.    Odds Wrong Right

C.    Variance Wrong Right

D.    Par Wrong Right

E.    Problems Wrong Right

Answer : Odds

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 Following is a set of four sentences. Choose the sentence which is most appropriate – grammatically, semantically and logically.


a.) Don’t focus at any part of the problem.
b.) The best advice is not to focus too strongly on any aspect of the problem.
c.) Don’t focus very strongly on any side of the problem.
d.) Any part of the problem should not be focussed in a strong way.

A.    b Wrong Right

B.    c Wrong Right

C.    d Wrong Right

D.    a Wrong Right

Answer : b

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a.) Most juniors will gladly extend themself for a project when they believe their contributions will be recognized.
b.) Recognizing the contribution will gladly extend many people for the project.
c.) Many people gladly will extend themselves for a project when they believe their contributions will be recognized.
d.) The fact that contributions will be gladly recognized will gladly make many people extend happily.

A.    b Wrong Right

B.    a Wrong Right

C.    d Wrong Right

D.    c Wrong Right

Answer : c

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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a.) They were salivating to show who is more tough.
b.) To show who is tougher, they started salivating
c.) They may salivate at the chance to show who is tougher.
d.) They got to know about the opportunity to show toughness and they started salivating

A.    a Wrong Right

B.    c Wrong Right

C.    d Wrong Right

D.    b Wrong Right

Answer : c

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In questions below, each passage consists of six sentences. The first and sixth sentences are given in the begining. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled as P, Q, R and S. Find out the proper order for the four sentences.


I can….

P. hear the spokes person all right
Q. I could see her
R. But I wish
S. as she lashes out at the opposition party

A.    PRSQ Wrong Right

B.    PQRS Wrong Right

C.    PQSR Wrong Right

D.    PRQS Wrong Right

Answer : PRQS

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Towards early morning…..

P. so that the sky was lighted with
Q. and the clouds drifted away
R. the rain stopped
S. incredible moonlight

A.    SRQP Wrong Right

B.    SQPR Wrong Right

C.    RQPS Wrong Right

D.    SPQR Wrong Right

Answer : RQPS

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If you require assistance…..

P. promptly and politely
Q. ask for customer service associates
R. to help our customers
S. who have instructions

A.    SQPR Wrong Right

B.    QPSR Wrong Right

C.    QSRP Wrong Right

D.    SQRP Wrong Right

Answer : QSRP

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For the following questions, choose the appropriate word from the given options in each sentence.


Police had to fire on the ante [A] / anti [B] government agitators to quell [A] / stop [B] the violence.

A congenital defect affected the aural [A] / oral [B] faculties of the child , leading to impaired hearing.

I am not adverse [A] / averse [B] to helping the poor but i do not approve of begging.

They drove around in their BMW openly flouting [A} / flaunting [B] their new found wealth.

A.    ABBAB Wrong Right

B.    BABAB Wrong Right

C.    ABBBB Wrong Right

D.    BAABB Wrong Right

E.    AABBA Wrong Right

Answer : ABBBB

Explanation : ‘Anti’ is a prefix used to indicate the opposite of something such as ‘anti inflamatory’, ‘Ante’
Means before. Eg ante meridian. The context suggests that ‘anti’ is the correct word. Hence B
‘Quell’ is to contain or put down and is better that stop.’ Aural’ has to do with hearing while oral refers to speech
‘Averse to’ is to be disinclined. ‘Adverse’ means opposite of something. Hence B
‘To flout’ is to break or overlook a law or a rule. ‘To flaunt’ is to make a deliberate display of something Hence B.

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The note on the board denotes [A] / connotes[B] that someone has been [A] / had been [B] here before me..

Cigar smoking is a habit of the affluent [A] / effluent [B].

I was compelled to alter [A] / altar [B] the arrangements once again to suit my fussy client.

The shirt on the hanger [A] / hangar [B] did not have a single crease.

A.    ABABA Wrong Right

B.    AAAAA Wrong Right

C.    ABBBA Wrong Right

D.    ABABA Wrong Right

E.    ABBBA Wrong Right

Answer : AAAAA

Explanation : ‘Denotes’ means to indicate something while ‘cannotes’ it to make you think of a particular idea or quality. Denotes is the apt word. Hence A
‘Had been’ cannot be used with the present tense denotes. Hence A
‘Effluents’ are the liquid wastes that come out of factories. Since cigars are expensive it is a habit of rich or ‘affluent’
‘Altar’ is a table in a church. ‘Alter’ means to change, which suits the context. Hence A.
‘Hangar’ is a place where aircraft are parked. ‘Hanger’ is something we hang our clothes on. Hence A.

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