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The statement which sums all values between 10 and 100 into a variable called total is, assuming that total has NOT been initialised to zero.

A.    Statement 1
for( a = 10; a <= 100; a = a + 1)
total = total + a;
Wrong Right

B.    Statement 2
for( a = 10; a < 100; a = a + 1, total = 0)
total = total + a;
Wrong Right

C.    Statement 3
for( a = 10; a <= 100, total = 0; a = a + 1)
total = total + a;
Wrong Right

D.    Statement 4
for( a = 10, total = 0; a <= 100; a = a + 1)
total = total + a;
Wrong Right

Answer : Statement 4
for( a = 10, total = 0; a <= 100; a = a + 1)
total = total + a;

Explanation : There is no explanation...

Learn more problems on : Loops

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Assign the text string "Welcome" to the character based array stuff (not at declaration time)

A.    strcpy( stuff, 'Welcome' ); Wrong Right

B.    stuff = "Welcome"; Wrong Right

C.    stuff[0] = "Welcome"; Wrong Right

D.    strcpy( stuff, "Welcome" ); Wrong Right

Answer : strcpy( stuff, "Welcome" );

Explanation : There is no explanation...

Learn more problems on : Arrays

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Which variable stores the number of arguments to a program?

A.    argc Wrong Right

B.    argv Wrong Right

C.    count Wrong Right

D.    arglen Wrong Right

Answer : argc

Explanation : There is no explanation...

Learn more problems on : Command Line Arguments

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What is the output of following program?
void main(){
int a;

A.    101 101 Wrong Right

B.    101 102 Wrong Right

C.    102 100 Wrong Right

D.    102 101 Wrong Right

Answer : 102 100

Explanation : There is no explanation...

Learn more problems on : Typecasting

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Which of the following is a properly defined struct?

A.    struct {int a;} Wrong Right

B.    struct a_struct {int a;} Wrong Right

C.    struct a_struct int a; Wrong Right

D.    struct a_struct {int a;}; Wrong Right

Answer : struct a_struct {int a;};

Explanation : There is no explanation...

Learn more problems on : Structures

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The statement to read a float value into the variable discount_rate is

A.    scanf("%f", discount_rate); Wrong Right

B.    scanf("%d", &discount_rate); Wrong Right

C.    scanf(discount_rate); Wrong Right

D.    scanf("%f", &discount_rate); Wrong Right

Answer : scanf("%f", &discount_rate);

Explanation : There is no explanation...

Learn more problems on : printf() and scanf()

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Which one is not logical operator?

A.    & Wrong Right

B.    && Wrong Right

C.    || Wrong Right

D.    ! Wrong Right

Answer : &

Explanation : There is no explanation...

Learn more problems on : C Basics

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A structure pointer times of type time (which has three fields, all pointers to integers, day, month and year respectively) is declared. Using the pointer times, update the field day to 10.

A. = 10; Wrong Right

B.    *(times->day) = 10; Wrong Right

C.    * = 10; Wrong Right

D. = *10; Wrong Right

Answer : *(times->day) = 10;

Explanation : There is no explanation...

Learn more problems on : Pointers & Structures

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In which header file is the NULL macro defined?

A.    stdio.h Wrong Right

B.    stddef.h Wrong Right

C.    stdio.h and stddef.h Wrong Right

D.    Math.h Wrong Right

Answer : stdio.h and stddef.h

Explanation : There is no explanation...

Learn more problems on : Preprocessor Directives

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What will be output of the following c program?
#include "stdio.h"
int main()
int _ = 5;
int __ = 10;
int ___;
___ = _ + __;
printf("%i", ___);
return 0;

A.    5 Wrong Right

B.    10 Wrong Right

C.    15 Wrong Right

D.    Compilation Error Wrong Right

Answer : 15

Explanation : Variable name can have only underscore

Learn more problems on : Defining Variables

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Rewrite the following statements using a switch statement

if( letter == 'X' )
sum = 0;
else if ( letter == 'Z' )
valid_flag = 1;
else if( letter == 'A' )
sum = 1;
printf("Unknown letter -->%c\n", letter );

"/> A.    Statement 1
switch( letter ) {
case 'X' : sum = 0; break;
case 'Z' : valid_flag = 1; break;
case 'A' : sum = 1; break;
default : printf( "Unknown letter -->%c\n", letter ); break;
Wrong Right

"/> B.    Statement 2
switch( letter ) {
case 'X' : sum = 0;
case 'Z' : valid_flag = 1;
case 'A' : sum = 1;
default : printf( "Unknown letter -->%c\n", letter );
Wrong Right

case "Z" : valid_flag = 1; break;
case "A" : sum = 1; break;
default : printf( "Unknown letter -->%c\n", letter ); break;
"/> C.    Statement 3
switch( letter ) {
case "X" : sum = 0; break;
case "Z" : valid_flag = 1; break;
case "A" : sum = 1; break;
default : printf( "Unknown letter -->%c\n", letter ); break;
Wrong Right

D.    None of these Wrong Right

Answer : Statement 1
switch( letter ) {
case 'X' : sum = 0; break;
case 'Z' : valid_flag = 1; break;
case 'A' : sum = 1; break;
default : printf( "Unknown letter -->%c\n", letter ); break;

Explanation : There is no explanation...

Learn more problems on : Switch-case

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What will the output of following C code?
unsigned int i=65000;

A.    0 Wrong Right

B.    2 Wrong Right

C.    1 Wrong Right

D.    65000 Wrong Right

Answer : 1

Explanation : Note the semicolon after the while statement. When the value of i becomes 0 it comes out of while loop. Due to post-increment on i the value of i while printing is 1.

Learn more problems on : Operators

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islower() method is used for?

A.    check for lowercase character or not Wrong Right

B.    conversion for lowercase to uppercase Wrong Right

C.    convert to lowercase to uppercase Wrong Right

D.    None Wrong Right

Answer : check for lowercase character or not

Explanation : There is no explanation...

Learn more problems on : Inbuilt Functions

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What is the output of the following code?
int swap(int *a,int *b)
int x=10,y=20;
printf("x= %d y = %d\n",x,y);

A.    x = 10 y = 10 Wrong Right

B.    x = 20 y = 20 Wrong Right

C.    x = 02 y = 01 Wrong Right

D.    x = 20 y = 10 Wrong Right

Answer : x = 20 y = 10

Explanation : This is one way of swapping two values. Simple checking will help understand this.

Learn more problems on : Functions

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Predict the output or error(s) for the following?

int *j;
int i=10;

A.    8 Wrong Right

B.    0 Wrong Right

C.    9 Wrong Right

D.    10 Wrong Right

Answer : 10

Explanation : The variable i is a block level variable and the visibility is inside that block only. But the lifetime of i is lifetime of the function so it lives upto the exit of main function. Since the i is still allocated space, *j prints the value stored in i since j points i.

Learn more problems on : Pointers

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