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Q: In the following questions, five sentences conveying the same idea are given. Select the one which expresses the idea in the most concise manner and mark its number as the answer Please note that all of them may be grammatically correct and mean the same but you have to select the one that is concise without missing any point.
A. Real bliss consisted not in riches or in anything else which the world regarded as prosperity or felicity but in the joy and happiness derived from being at peace with one's own fellow men through perfect love and fellowship and selfless service and sacrifice B. Real bliss consisted not in riches nor in prosperity but in the joy derived from being at peace with one's fellowmen through love, fellowship, selfless service and sacrifice.
C. Real bliss will consist not in riches nor in felicity but in the joy of living at peace with felIowmen through love, service and sacrifice
D. Living at peace with our fellowmen through love, fellowship, selfless service and sacrifice is real bliss, not riches or felicity
E. One can derive great joy and happiness by living peacefully with one's fellow men through love, fellowship and selfless service and sacrifice and not by sacrifice and not by amassing great wealth or by attaining any worldly prosperity

Answer and Explanation

Answer:Living at peace with our fellowmen through love, fellowship, selfless service and sacrifice is real bliss, not riches or felicity

Choices 1, 2 and 3 can be easily eliminated because of the use of the past and future tenses in these statements. A universal truth is generally stated in simple present tense. The use of 'can desire' rules out choice 5.

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