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Q: In the following questions, five sentences conveying the same idea are given. Select the one which expresses the idea in the most concise manner and mark its number as the answer Please note that all of them may be grammatically correct and mean the same but you have to select the one that is concise without missing any point.
A. Almost 80 per cent of India's population lives in rural areas and depends on agriculture for a livelihood. B. The livelihood of 80 per cent of villagers is agriculture.
C. Living in rural areas, almost 80 per cent of the population of India depends on agriculture to earn a livelihood. D. The rural areas cover almost 80 per cent of India's population that depends on agriculture.
E. Villagers, who constitute 80 percent of India's population, live in rural India and depend on agriculture for their livelihood.

Answer and Explanation

Answer:Almost 80 per cent of India's population lives in rural areas and depends on agriculture for a livelihood.

The intended idea seems to be that almost 80 percent of India's population lives in villages and these people depend on agriculture for their livelihood. This idea is clear from choices 1 and 5 although 1 presents it is a more concise manner. Choices 3 and 4 distorts the intended meaning. Choice 2 does not include 'in India' and hence becomes vague. 

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