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01. Sum of two positive numbers are multiplied by each number separately. The products thus obtained are 510 and 390. What is the difference of the two numbers?
A. 2 B. 5
C. 3 D. 4

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 4

Let the numbers be x, y.
x(x+y) = 510, y(x+y) = 390
x2 + xy = 510 …… (1)
y2 + xy = 390 …… (2)
Adding (1) and (2)
x2 + xy + xy + y2 = 510 + 390 = 900
(x+y) 2 = 900 = (30) 2
(x+y) = 30
Subtracting (2) from (1)
x2 + xy – xy - y2 = 510 - 390 = 120
x2 - y2 = 120
(x+y) (x-y) = 120
(x-y) = 4.

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02. If n is a prime number greater than 3, show that n2 – 1 is divisible by 24
A. yes B. no 
C. Un-determine  D. None of these

Answer and Explanation

Answer: yes

n2 – 1 = (n + 1) (n – 1)
Every prime number greater than 3 can be written in the form of
(6K + 1) or (6K – 1), where K is a positive integer. Let n = 6K + 1,
then (n + 1) (n – 1) = (6K + 1 + 1) (6K + 1 - 1)
= (6K + 2) (6K)
= 12 K (3K + 1)
Either K or (3K + 1) is even. K (3K + 1) is even.
Since K (3K + 1) is even, it is divisible by 2. Hence, 12 × K(3K + 1) is Divisible by 12 × 2 = 24

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03. All numbers from 1 to 100 are written on the board. Kishor erases all numbers but those that are multiples of 3. Then Basu erases all numbers but those that are multiples of four and finally, of the remaining numbers. Komal erases all numbers that are not multiples of five. How many numbers are left on the board?
A. 60 B. 6
C. 8
D. None of these

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 60

Kishor erases all numbers and leaves only numbers divisibly by 3. So on the board we have 3, 6, 9, 12, … 99. A total of 33 numbers are left out. Basu erases all but multiples of 4. From 33 numbers only multiples of 12 will remain, i.e, 12, 24, 36,… 96. A total of 8 members are left out. Komal erases all numbers that are not multiples of 5. The numbers that are multiples of 5 will be left out. Only 60 is a multiple of 5. The numbers erased are 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 84 and 96. A total of 7 numbers will be erased and one number, i.e 60, remains on the board.
Alternately, the numbers that are left on the board = Multiples of LCM of (3, 4, 5).
This equals to 60. Hence only one number remains on the board .

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04. What is the remainder when 1725 + 2125 is divided by 19?
A. 0 B. 2
C. 14 D. 15

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 0

 17 = -2 mod 19
1725 = -225 mod 19
21 = 2 mod 19
2125 = 225 mod 19
Using the concept, “If a = b mod c and p = q mod c, then a + p = b + q
mod c”. 1725 + 2125 = -225 + 225 mod 19
= 0 mod 19 , i.e 0 is the remainder.   

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05. What is the smallest number which when divided by 6, 7 and 8 leaves 2 as the remainder in each case?
A. 169 B. 165
C. 166 D. 170

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 166

Step 1: A. Let the required number and the remainder in each case be
N. Using Rule 3, N + 2 is divisible by 6, 7 and 8.
B. N + 2 must be a multiple of 6, 7 and 8
C. The smallest possible value of N + 2 must be the LCM of (6, 7, 8). Any such value of N + 2 can be written as follows.
N + 2 = K × LCM(6, 7, 8) where K = 1, 2, 3
Step 2: × LCM(6, 7, 8) = K × 23 × 3 × 7 = 168K
Step 3: To find out the least possible value of N + 2, Substituting K = 1in (1), we get N + 2 = 168. N = 166

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06. An army has got 378 swords and 675 spears, which are kept in boxes such that there is equal number of weapons in each box. It should be noted that each box contains either swords or spears. What is the least possible number of boxes the army requires?
A. 28 B. 39
C. 48 D. 52

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 39

 The maximum number of swords or spears that can be kept in each box such that they are equal in number = HCF of (378, 675) = 27. The minimum number of boxes required = (378 + 675) / 27 = 39

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07. Four bells begin tolling at the same time and continue to toll at intervals of 20, 25, 28 and 50 seconds respectively. Find the smallest integral numbers of minutes after which all the bells toll together again.
A. 700 B. 70
C. 1400 D. 35

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 35

 The smallest time after which all the bells toll together again = K × LCM of (20, 25, 28, 50), where K = 1, 2, 3…
20 = 2 × 10 = 22 × 5; 25 = 52
28 = 2 × 2 × 7 = 22 × 7; 50 = 5 × 10 = 2 × 52
Time = K × LCM of (20, 25, 28, 50) = K × 22 × 52 × 7 = 700k sec
When K – 1, Time = 700 sec, which is not an integral minute.
When K = 3, Time = 3 × 700 sec = 2100 sec = 35 minutes.

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08. A child was told to multiply a certain number by 252 and he got the answer as 677364. If except for the two 7’s all other numbers are correct, what are the correct digits in the answer?
A. 11 B. 22
C. 44 D. 88

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 44

 252 × k = 6x x364
6x x364 is divisible by 4 × 7 × 9
Using test of divisibility by 9, we get 6 + x + x + 3 + 6 + 4 is divisible by 9
19 + 2x is divisible by 9
x has to be 4, the number is 644364.

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09. A bulb glows 3 times per minute and a bell chimes 5 times in two minutes at regular intervals. If the bulb glows and the bell chimes together at the start of the hour, how many times do they glow and chime together in next 60 minutes?
A. 30 B. 24
C. 20 D. 60

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 30

The bulb glows every 20 sec and the bell chimes every 24 sec. The time after which the bulb glows and the bell chime is = LCM (24,20) =120 second or 2 minutes. In 60 minutes, they will glow and chime together 30 times. 

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10. Supply the missing digit that makes 8276_845, divisible by 11?
A. 2 B. 1
C. 0 D. 9

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 2

(8 + 7 + H + 4) - (2 + 6 + 8 + 5) = H – 2
=0 or multiple of 11
∴only digit at H that makes the number divisible by 11 is 2.

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