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Complete the following sentences.

Each species has its special place or habitat. An ___(1)___ bird-watcher can look at ___(2)___forest, meadow, lake, swamp or field and ___(3)___ almost exactly what birds he ___(4)___ find there ___(5)___ birds are found all over the world; others ___(6)___ themselves to certain areas. Still ___(7)___ migrate from one country to another in ___(8)___ in search of warmth and ___(9)___ and then return in spring, ___(10)___ the season is more favourable.


Select correct options for the blank (1) in above paragraph

A.    active Wrong Right

B.    expert Wrong Right

C.    experienced Wrong Right

D.    advanced Wrong Right

Answer : expert

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Select correct options for the blank (2) in above paragraph

A.    the Wrong Right

B.    some Wrong Right

C.    a Wrong Right

D.    certain Wrong Right

Answer : a

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Select correct options for the blank (3) in above paragraph

A.    predict Wrong Right

B.    suggest Wrong Right

C.    prophecy Wrong Right

D.    calculate Wrong Right

Answer : calculate

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Select correct options for the blank (4) in above paragraph

A.    should Wrong Right

B.    must Wrong Right

C.    might Wrong Right

D.    will Wrong Right

Answer : must

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Each question has a sentence with two blanks followed by five pairs of words as choices. From the choice, select the pair of words that can best complete the given sentence


In our village herbs grow in ______ there is a _____ of palatable vegetables.

A.    Abundance dearth Wrong Right

B.    Luxury gang Wrong Right

C.    Seasons draught Wrong Right

D.    Magnitude lot Wrong Right

E.    Affluence scarcity Wrong Right

Answer : Abundance dearth

Explanation : The two points of the sentence are separated by the conjunction but, indicating that the two words which fit into the blank are contrasting words. Hence the words abundance (excess; surfeit) and death (scarcity) are apt. Option 4 is ruled out because it cannot be said that herbs grow in affluence.

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He tried to pass the _____ money at the bank as if it were _____.

A.    Stolen illegitimate Wrong Right

B.    Bogus genuine Wrong Right

C.    Collected supplied Wrong Right

D.    Dishonest counterfeit Wrong Right

E.    Ill-gotten legitimate Wrong Right

Answer : Bogus genuine

Explanation : The structure of the sentence indicates that contrasting words fit into the blanks. Choice 2 is most apt in this context. Bogus money can be passed as legitimate.
The words stolen and illegitimate (illegal), collected and supplied, dishonest and counterfeit (fake), ill-gotten and legitimate (harmful; legal) do not make sense in the blank

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When he was ridiculed he was _____ but he regained _____ very soon.

A.    Happy friendship Wrong Right

B.    Worried little Wrong Right

C.    Chagrined composure Wrong Right

D.    Lost nothing Wrong Right

E.    Sad happiness Wrong Right

Answer : Chagrined composure

Explanation : One is likely to be chagrined (annoyed) on being ridiculed. But not happy, worried, sad or lost. Choice c is most logical in the given blank.

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She is _____ in needlework but ____ in arranging the wares.

A.    Distressful attractive Wrong Right

B.    Abominable humane Wrong Right

C.    Outlandish urban Wrong Right

D.    Dextrous clumsy Wrong Right

E.    Talented untidy Wrong Right

Answer : Dextrous clumsy

Explanation : The conjunction ‘but’ indicated that contrasting words fit into the blanks. Hence dextrous (showing neat skill) and clumsy are apt.

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The Indian middle class consist of so many strata that it defies categorisation under a single term class, which would imply a considerable degree of homogeneity. Yet two paradoxical features characterise its conduct fairly uniformly; extensive practice and intensive abhorrence of corruption.
In the several recent surveys of popular perceptions of corruptions, politicians of course invariably and understandably top the list, closely followed by bureaucrats, policemen, lawyers, businessmen and others. The quintessential middle class. If teachers do not figure high on this priority list, it is not for lack of trying, but for lack of oppurtunities. Over the years, the sense of shock over acts of corruption in the middle class has witnessed a steady decline, as its ambitions for a better material life have soared but the resources for meeting such ambitions have not kept pace.
What is fascinating, however, is the intense yearning of this class for a clean corruptionless politics and society, a yearning that has again and again surfaced with any figure public or obscure, focus on his mission of eradicating corruption. Even the repeated failure of this promise on virtually every man's part has not subjected it to the law of diminishing returns.


The intense Middle Class intensely yearns for

A.    better material resources Wrong Right

B.    extensive practice of corruption Wrong Right

C.    clean honest society Wrong Right

D.    law of increasing returns Wrong Right

Answer : clean honest society

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Teachers are not high on the list of corruption because they do not have

A.    courage Wrong Right

B.    opportunities Wrong Right

C.    support Wrong Right

D.    ambition Wrong Right

Answer : opportunities

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The Indian Middle class is

A.    defiant Wrong Right

B.    mysterious Wrong Right

C.    homogeneous Wrong Right

D.    stratified Wrong Right

Answer : homogeneous

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Don’t talk to my father about my girl friend. It will be like __________________________.

A.    showing a red flag to the bull Wrong Right

B.    entering a den Wrong Right

C.    disturbing a lion Wrong Right

D.    shaking a tree Wrong Right

Answer : showing a red flag to the bull

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In the following questions, a sentence split into four parts labeled A, B, C and D is given. Rearrange the parts to form the original sentence and select the correct order from among the give choices given below and mark it as your answer.


A. The idea for ‘rinsing’ glass over a molten tin bath came to Sir Alastair when he stood at his kitchen sink washing dishes.
B. Pilkington’s proprietary process eliminated this final manufacturing stage by floating the glass, after it is cast from a melting furnace, over a bath of molten tin about the size of a tennis court.
C. A float line needs only half the number of workers to produce three times as much glass as old production methods.
D. The float process gives a distortion-free glass of uniform quality with bright, fire-polished surfaces; savings in costs are considerable.

A.    ABCD Wrong Right

B.    BADC Wrong Right

C.    CDAB Wrong Right

D.    BCDA Wrong Right

Answer : BADC

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A. You may not think about it, you can instinctively understand that when someone helps you, you are expected sooner or later to somehow pay them back, in some reasonable way.
B. You already know a lot more about influence than you realize.
C. Some of the time, you can just ask for what you need, and if the other person or group can respond, they will.
D. Sometimes you have to work a little harder to figure out how to get what you want.

A.    ABCD Wrong Right

B.    BCDA Wrong Right

C.    CDBA Wrong Right

D.    BACD Wrong Right

Answer : BCDA

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A. Imagine for a moment that an unknown animal had been discovered deep in the jungles of South America. 

B. What does it look like? What are its winning characteristics?
C. Take a paper now and draw it, making some notes about your sketch.
D. It is destined to replace the dog and the cat in popularity as a domestic pet during this century.

A.    ABCD Wrong Right

B.    ADBC Wrong Right

C.    ABDC Wrong Right

D.    ADCB Wrong Right

Answer : ADBC

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