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Choose the statement that is best supported by the information given in the question passage.


If you're a fitness walker, there is no need for a commute to a health club. Your neighborhood can be your health club. You don't need a lot of fancy equipment to get a good workout either. All you need is a well-designed pair of athletic shoes.
This paragraph best supports the statement that

A.    fitness walking is a better form of exercise than weight lifting. Wrong Right

B.    a membership in a health club is a poor investment. Wrong Right

C.    walking outdoors provides a better workout than walking indoors. Wrong Right

D.    fitness walking is a convenient and valuable form of exercise. Wrong Right

E.    poorly designed athletic shoes can cause major foot injuries. Wrong Right

Answer : fitness walking is a convenient and valuable form of exercise.

Explanation : By stating that fitness walking does not require a commute to a health club, the author stresses the convenience of this form of exercise. The paragraph also states that fitness walking will result in a good workout. Choice a is incorrect because no comparison to weight lifting is made. Choice b may seem like a logical answer, but the paragraph only refers to people who are fitness walkers, so for others, a health club might be a good investment. Choice c is not in the passage. Although choice e seems logical, the paragraph does not indicate that the wrong shoes will produce major injuries.

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Today's workforce has a new set of social values. Ten years ago, a manager who was offered a promotion in a distant city would not have questioned the move. Today, a manager in that same situation might choose family happiness instead of career advancement.
This paragraph best supports the statement that

A.    most managers are not loyal to the corporations for which they work. Wrong Right

B.    businesses today do not understand their employees needs. Wrong Right

C.    employees social values have changed over the past ten years. Wrong Right

D.    career advancement is not important to today's business managers. Wrong Right

E.    companies should require their employees to accept promotions. Wrong Right

Answer : employees social values have changed over the past ten years.

Explanation : A change in employee social values over the past ten years is implied in the whole paragraph, but particularly in the first sentence. Choice a is incorrect because the loyalty of the managers to their corporations is never discussed. There is no support for choice b. In choice d, perhaps career advancement is less important than it once was, but the paragraph does not indicate that advancement is unimportant to managers. Choice e is an opinion that is not supported.

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Obesity is a serious problem in this country. Research suggests that obesity can lead to a number of health problems including diabetes, asthma, and heart disease. Recent research has even indicated that there may be a relationship between obesity and some types of cancer. Major public health campaigns that increase awareness and propose simple lifestyle changes that will, with diligence and desire, eliminate or least mitigate the incidence of obesity are a crucial first step in battling this critical problem.
This paragraph best supports the statement that

A.    public health campaigns that raise consciousness and propose lifestyle changes are a productive way to fight obesity. Wrong Right

B.    obesity is the leading cause of diabetes in our country. Wrong Right

C.    people in our country watch too much television and do not exercise enough. Wrong Right

D.    a decline in obesity would radically decrease the incidence of asthma. Wrong Right

E.    fast-food restaurants and unhealthy school lunches contribute greatly to obesity. Wrong Right

Answer : public health campaigns that raise consciousness and propose lifestyle changes are a productive way to fight obesity.

Explanation : The support for this choice is in the last sentence, which states that major public health campaigns that increase awareness and propose lifestyle changes are important in our fight against obesity. Choice b can be ruled out because although the paragraph states that obesity can lead to diabetes, it doesn't tell us that it is the leading cause of this disease. Choices c and e might sound reasonable and true, but they are not supported in the paragraph. And although we are told that obesity has been connected to asthma, this fact is not quantified in any way, so choice d is also not supported by the information given.

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Walk into any supermarket or pharmacy and you will find several shelves of products designed to protect adults and children from the sun. Additionally, a host of public health campaigns have been created, including National Skin Cancer Awareness Month, that warn us about the sun's damaging UV rays and provide guidelines about protecting ourselves. While warnings about the sun's dangers are frequent, a recent survey found that fewer than half of all adults adequately protect themselves from the sun.
This paragraph best supports the statement that

A.    children are better protected from the sun's dangerous rays than adults Wrong Right

B.    sales of sun protection products are at an all-time high. Wrong Right

C.    adults are not heeding the warnings about the dangers of sun exposure seriously enough. Wrong Right

D.    more adults have skin cancer now than ever before Wrong Right

E.    there is not enough information disseminated about the dangers of sun exposure. Wrong Right

Answer : adults are not heeding the warnings about the dangers of sun exposure seriously enough.

Explanation : The last sentence gives direct support for this response. Although children might be better protected from the sun than adults, the paragraph does not specifically cite statistics about children, so we can't know for sure, ruling out choice a. There is no evidence provided in the paragraph to support choices b and d. Choice e is incorrect since the last sentence tells us that warnings about the sun's dangers are frequent.

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Each of the following questions contains a small paragraph followed by a question on it. Read each paragraph carefully and answer the question given below it.


Though the waste of time or the expenditure on fashions is very large, yet fashions have come to stay. They will not go, come what may. However, what is now required is that strong efforts should be made to displace the excessive craze for fashion from the minds of these youngsters.

The passage best supports the statement that:

A.    fashion is the need of the day. Wrong Right

B.    the excessive craze for fashion is detrimental to one's personality. Wrong Right

C.    the hoard for fashion should be done away with so as not to let down the constructive development. Wrong Right

D.    work and other activities should be valued more than the outward appearance. Wrong Right

Answer : the hoard for fashion should be done away with so as not to let down the constructive development.

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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The prevention of accidents makes it necessary not only that safety devices be used to guard exposed machinery but also that mechanics be instructed in safety rules which they must follow for their own protection, and that lighting in the plant be adequate.

The passage best supports the statement that industrial accidents -

A.    are always avoidable; Wrong Right

B.    may be due to ignorance. Wrong Right

C.    cannot be entirely overcome. Wrong Right

D.    can be eliminated with the help of safety rules. Wrong Right

E.    usually result from inadequate machinery. Wrong Right

Answer : can be eliminated with the help of safety rules.

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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The school has always been the most important means of transferring the wealth of tradition form one generation to the next. This applies today in an even higher degree than in former times for, through the modern development of economy, the family as bearer of tradition and education has become weakened.

This passage best supports the statement that for transferring the wealth of tradition from one generation to the next -
The press should not be afraid of upholding and supporting a just and righteous cause. It should not be afraid of criticising the government in a healthy manner. The press has to be eternally vigilant to protect the rights of the workers, backward and suppressed sections of the society. It should also give a balanced view of the things so that people can be helped in the formation of a healthy public opinion.

The passage best supports the statement that

A.    press has a great role to play in a democracy. Wrong Right

B.    the press is the only means to project to the masses the policies of the government. Wrong Right

C.    the freedom of press is essential for the proper functioning of democracy. Wrong Right

D.    the press can be used by the governments as an effective media for the upliftment of the backward sections of society. Wrong Right

E.    all the information given by the press should be well-articulated so as to gain a good opinion towards the ruling party. Wrong Right

Answer : the freedom of press is essential for the proper functioning of democracy.

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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There is a shift in our economy from a manufacturing to a service orientation. The increase in service-sector will require the managers to work more with people rather than with objects and things from the assembly line.

This passage best supports the statement that:

A.    managers should have a balanced mind. Wrong Right

B.    assembly line will exist in service organisations. Wrong Right

C.    interpersonal skills will become more important in the future work place. Wrong Right

D.    manufacturing organisations ignore importance of people. Wrong Right

E.    service organisations will not deal with objects and things. Wrong Right

Answer : interpersonal skills will become more important in the future work place.

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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Statement: Some of India's greatest musicians and folk artists are struggling to make both ends meet.
Course of action:

I. The folk artists should be advised to leave their traditional profession and adopt any other profession to earn their living.
II. II. The government should give financial aids to these artists.

A.    Tim has decided to move to another city, so he calls his landlord to tell him that he is not interested in renewing his lease when it expires next month. Wrong Right

B.    Valerie recently lost her job and, for the last three months, has neglected to pay her landlord the monthly rent they agreed upon in writing when she moved into her apartment eight months ago. Wrong Right

C.    Mark writes a letter to his landlord that lists numerous complaints about the apartment he has agreed to rent for two years. Wrong Right

D.    Leslie thinks that her landlord is neglecting the building in which she rents an apartment. She calls her attorney to ask for advice. Wrong Right

Answer : Valerie recently lost her job and, for the last three months, has neglected to pay her landlord the monthly rent they agreed upon in writing when she moved into her apartment eight months ago.

Explanation : Valerie signed a legally binding document that requires her to pay a monthly rent for her apartment and she has failed to do this for the last three months. Therefore, she has violated her apartment lease.

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People speculate when they consider a situation and assume something to be true based on inconclusive evidence. Which situation below is the best example of Speculation

A.    Francine decides that it would be appropriate to wear jeans to her new office on Friday after reading about "Casual Fridays" in her employee handbook Wrong Right

B.    Mary spends thirty minutes sitting in traffic and wishes that she took the train instead of driving. Wrong Right

C.    After consulting several guidebooks and her travel agent, Jennifer feels confident that the hotel she has chosen is first-rate. Wrong Right

D.    When Emily opens the door in tears, Theo guesses that she's had a death in her family. Wrong Right

Answer : When Emily opens the door in tears, Theo guesses that she's had a death in her family.

Explanation : This is the only situation in which someone makes an assumption that is not based on conclusive evidence. Choices a and c reflect situations in which assumptions are made based on evidence. In choice b, Mary is not assuming anything to be true. She is simply wishing that she'd made a different decision.

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A Guarantee is a promise or assurance that attests to the quality of a product that is either (1) given in writing by the manufacturer or (2) given verbally by the person selling the product. Which situation below is the best example of a Guarantee?

A.    Melissa purchases a DVD player with the highest consumer ratings in its category. Wrong Right

B.    The salesperson advises Curt to be sure that he buys an air conditioner with a guarantee. Wrong Right

C.    The local auto body shop specializes in refurbishing and selling used  Wrong Right

D.    Lori buys a used digital camera from her co-worker who says that she will refund Lori's money if the camera's performance is not of the highest quality Wrong Right

Answer : Lori buys a used digital camera from her co-worker who says that she will refund Lori's money if the camera's performance is not of the highest quality

Explanation : Choices a, b, and c do not describe situations in which a product is guaranteed. Only choice d reflects a situation in which a seller attests to the quality of a product by giving the buyer a promise or assurance about its quality.

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. A Tiebreaker is an additional contest or period of play designed to establish a winner among tied contestants. Which situation below is the best example of a Tiebreaker?

A.    At halftime, the score is tied at 28. Wrong Right

B.    Mary and Megan have each scored three goals in the game. Wrong Right

C.    The referee tosses a coin to decide which team will have possession of the ball first. Wrong Right

D.    The Sharks and the Bears each finished with 14 points, and they are now battling it out in a five-minute overtime. Wrong Right

Answer : The Sharks and the Bears each finished with 14 points, and they are now battling it out in a five-minute overtime.

Explanation : This is the only choice that indicates that an additional period of play is taking place to determine the winner of a game that ended in a tie.

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A.    E Wrong Right

B.    F Wrong Right

C.    D Wrong Right

D.    B Wrong Right

Answer : B

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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A.    1 Wrong Right

B.    2 Wrong Right

C.    3 Wrong Right

D.    4 Wrong Right

Answer : 1

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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A.    4 D Wrong Right

B.    6 F Wrong Right

C.    5 E Wrong Right

D.    1 A Wrong Right

Answer : 6 F

Explanation : There is no explanation...

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