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XML - DotNet Programming Interview Questions and Answers | LucentBlackBoard | LucentBlackBoard.com
21. Which class is used to encode and decode XML names and contains different methods to convert between CLR types and XSD types.

The XmlConvert Class.

22. What is the DTD?

The DTD is Document Type Definition that describes the formation of the content of an XML document. The DTD manages the data to store in a consistent format. It defines the XML elements and attributes about how they should be present in XML documents and what relation they should have with other elements and attributes. The DTD also allows you to mention whether an XML element is optional or not. If the XML documents are not according to the DTD rules, they are not considered valid.

23. Is it true that the XML's goal is to replace HTML?

No, it is not true. Both are necessary in their respective fields.

24. What is XSLT?

XSLT is Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations that is a part of XML, which is a mechanism to transform an XML document into another XML or HTML document.

25. Describe the rules and regulations that must be followed while creating a well-formed XML document.

The following are the rules and regulations that are necessary to follow while creating a well-formed XML document:
• Every start tag must end with an end tag.
• A root element should be included for enclosing other child elements.
• XML tags are case-sensitive; therefore, start and end tags must be of same spelling and the casing should also be the same.
• XML's empty tags are necessary to close with a forward slash (/).
• XML's attributes values are necessary to enclose within double quotation marks.
• XML tags must be properly nested. It means starting tags should be closed in the reverse order in which they present.

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