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A mixture has 100 kg of sugar, part of which he sells at 7 p.c. profit and the rest at 17 p.c. profit. He gains 10 p.c. on the whole. Find how much he sold at 7% profit?

A.    70 kg and 30 kg Wrong Right

B.    30 kg and 70 kg Wrong Right

C.    15 kg and 43 kg Wrong Right

D.    25 kg and 30 kg Wrong Right

Answer : 30 kg and 70 kg

Explanation : If the cost price of each kind of sugar be Rs. 100 then the selling price of one kind is Rs .107 (7% profit),Selling price of the other kind is Rs . 117 (17% profit).
Selling price of the mixture = Rs.110
SP of Each R1=117,R2=107
Mixture = 110
Proportion 3:7
Let the quantity of each in 100 kg be 3x & 7x
3x + 7x = 100=>x=10.The quantity of each in 100 kg is 30kg and 70 kg

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A took 15 seconds to cross a rectangular field diagonally walking at the rate of 52 m/ min and B took the same time to cross the same field along its sides walking at the rate of 68 m/ min. The area of the field is

A.    30 sq metres Wrong Right

B.    40 sq metres Wrong Right

C.    50 sq metres Wrong Right

D.    60 sq metres Wrong Right

Answer : 60 sq metres

Explanation : Length of the diagonal = (52 * 15/60) = 13m
Sum of length and breadth = (68 * 15/60) = 17 m
Hence √(l2 + b2) = 13 or l2 + b2 = 169 and l + b = 17
Area = lb = ½ (2lb) = ½ [(l + b)2 – (l – b)2] = ½ (289 – 169) = 60 sq m

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The rate of a stream is 4 kmph. A boat goes 6 km and back to the starting point in 2 hours. What is the speed of the boat in still water?

A.    3 kmph Wrong Right

B.    4 kmph Wrong Right

C.    10 kmph Wrong Right

D.    8 kmph Wrong Right

Answer : 8 kmph

Explanation : Let the speed of the boat in still water be x kmph.
=> Speed downstream = (x + 4) kmph, Speed upstream = (x – 4) kmph
=> Time taken to go 6 km downstream = 6/(x -4), time taken to go
=> 6 km upstream = 6/(x – 4) * 6/(x +4) + 6/ (x – 4) = 2 hours.
Solving the equations x = 8

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The difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the positions of its digits is 36. What is the difference between the two digits of that number?

A.    3 Wrong Right

B.    4 Wrong Right

C.    9 Wrong Right

D.    Cannot be determined Wrong Right

E.    None of these Wrong Right

Answer : 4

Explanation : Let the ten's digit be x and unit's digit be y.
Then, (10x + y) - (10y + x) = 36
9(x - y) = 36
x - y = 4

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In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'DETAIL' be arranged in such a way that the vowels occupy only the odd positions?

A.    32 Wrong Right

B.    48 Wrong Right

C.    36 Wrong Right

D.    60 Wrong Right

E.    120 Wrong Right

Answer : 36

Explanation : There are 6 letters in the given word, out of which there are 3 vowels and 3 consonants.
Let us mark these positions as under:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Now, 3 vowels can be placed at any of the three places out 4, marked 1, 3, 5.
Number of ways of arranging the vowels = 3P3 = 3! = 6.
Also, the 3 consonants can be arranged at the remaining 3 positions.
Number of ways of these arrangements = 3P3 = 3! = 6.
Total number of ways = (6 x 6) = 36.

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A bag contains 4 white, 5 red and 6 blue balls. Three balls are drawn at random from the bag. The probability that all of them are red, is: 

A.    1/22 Wrong Right

B.    3/22 Wrong Right

C.    2/91 Wrong Right

D.    2/77 Wrong Right

Answer : 2/91

Explanation :

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The least number, which when divided by 12, 15, 20 and 54 leaves in each case a remainder of 8 is: 

A.    504 Wrong Right

B.    536 Wrong Right

C.    544 Wrong Right

D.    548 Wrong Right

Answer : 548

Explanation : Required number = (L.C.M. of 12, 15, 20, 54) + 8
= 540 + 8
= 548.

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In a 200 metres race A beats B by 35 m or 7 seconds. A's time over the course is: 

A.    40 sec Wrong Right

B.    47 sec Wrong Right

C.    33 sec Wrong Right

D.    None of these Wrong Right

Answer : 33 sec

Explanation : B runs 35 m in 7 sec.
B covers 200 m in (7/35) x 200 = 40 sec.
B's time over the course = 40 sec.
A's time over the course (40 - 7) sec = 33 sec.

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If 40% of a number is equal to two-third of another number, what is the ratio of first number to the second number? 

A.    2 : 5 Wrong Right

B.    3 : 7 Wrong Right

C.    5 : 3 Wrong Right

D.    7 : 3 Wrong Right

Answer : 5 : 3

Explanation :

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A sum of money amounts to Rs. 9800 after 5 years and Rs. 12005 after 8 years at the same rate of simple interest. The rate of interest per annum is: 

A.    5% Wrong Right

B.    8% Wrong Right

C.    12% Wrong Right

D.    15% Wrong Right

Answer : 12%

Explanation :

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In a regular week, there are 5 working days and for each day, the working hours are 8. A man gets Rs. 2.40 per hour for regular work and Rs. 3.20 per hours for overtime. If he earns Rs. 432 in 4 weeks, then how many hours does he work for ? 

A.    160 Wrong Right

B.    175 Wrong Right

C.    180 Wrong Right

D.    195 Wrong Right

Answer : 175

Explanation : Suppose the man works overtime for x hours.
Now, working hours in 4 weeks = (5 x 8 x 4) = 160.
160 x 2.40 + x x 3.20 = 432
3.20x = 432 - 384 = 48
x = 15.
Hence, total hours of work = (160 + 15) = 175.

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A man invests some money partly in 9% stock at 96 and partly in 12% stock at 120. To obtain equal dividends from both, he must invest the money in the ratio: 

A.    3 : 4 Wrong Right

B.    3 : 5 Wrong Right

C.    4 : 5 Wrong Right

D.    16 : 15 Wrong Right

Answer : 16 : 15

Explanation : For an income of Re. 1 in 9% stock at 96, investment = Rs. 96/9   = Rs. 32/3

For an income Re. 1 in 12% stock at 120, investment = Rs. 120/12   = Rs. 10.

Ratio of investments = 32/3 : 10 = 32 : 30 = 16 : 15.

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A.    1 Wrong Right

B.    2 Wrong Right

C.    9 Wrong Right

D.    12 Wrong Right

Answer : 9

Explanation :

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A squirrel can climb 5 metres of a pole in one minute but slips 2 metres in the next minute. How much time will the squirrel take to climb 26 metres?

A.    14 minutes Wrong Right

B.    12 minutes Wrong Right

C.    15 minutes Wrong Right

D.    18 minutes Wrong Right

Answer : 15 minutes

Explanation : As the squirrel climbs 5 m in one minute and slips 2 metres in the next minute, it climbs 3 metres in 2 minute
To climb 26 metres, the time required is:
The squirrel will climb (26 – 5) = 21 metres = 7 * 3 metres in 7 * 2 = 14 minutes
Also, the last 5 metres it climbs in another 1 minute
Hence, total time required = 14 + 1 = 15 minutes

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Gopal has to pay Rs.440 to Ajay after 1 year. Ajay asks Gopal to pay Rs.220 in cash and defer the payment of Rs.220 for 2 years. If the rate of interest is 10% per annum, in this mode of payment:

A.    Gopal gains Rs.3.33 Wrong Right

B.    Ajay gains Rs.3.33 Wrong Right

C.    Ajay loses Rs.16.67 Wrong Right

D.    Gopal loses Rs.16.67 Wrong Right

Answer : Ajay gains Rs.3.33

Explanation :

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